I love creating user-friendly products through thoughtful design.

View Case Studies

Link to Trips to Discover Case Study

Case studyTrips to Discover:
Design Systems— more than UI

Trips to Discover Case Study

Trips to Discover asked me to help them with improving the overall UI and user experience of their platform.

Council website ecosystem:
tech-stack led design

Case Study: Coming soon

Trips to Discover Case Study

I led the design and implementation of a tech-stack-based design system for a council website ecosystem migration.

More projects

These projects demonstrate my skills and experience in product design: UX design, UI design, prototyping, front-end development, branding, visual design and marketing.

Study NSW website


An information portal targeted at emigrants looking to study, work and live in New South Wales, Australia.

As part of a brand re-launch, and under a tight timeframe, I re-designed the Study NSW website based on the new brand and the NSW Gov design system.

Study NSW website




NSW Government

Project Roles

  • UI Designer

I worked with

  • Client Project Officer
  • Agency Account Manager
  • Client Account Manager
  • Development Team

Farming Asset Management System

A platform to manage the assets of a large farming business.

Working parallel to the Dev team building the MVP, I re-designed the UI and all the core screens for the product.

Farming Asset Management System



Project Roles

  • UI Designer

I worked with

  • Client Account Manager
  • Development Team


  • Figma

Goodman Sustainability Report


An interactive sustainability report to communicate Goodman’s commitment to sustainability.

In partnership with the creative agency, I built a set of reusable Figma components to streamline their design process. I also provided dev hand-off for the build.

Goodman Sustainability Report


Yonder Creative



Project Roles

  • UI Designer

I worked with

  • Creative Director
  • Art Director
  • Client Account Manager
  • 3rd Party Dev Team


  • Figma

Council website ecosystem

The establishment of a design system and migration of an ecosystem of council websites.

I worked closely with the development team to setup a design system— colours, type, image sizes, spacing, components, and helped to implement in the codebase.

Council website ecosystem



Project Roles

  • UX Designer
  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer

I worked with

  • Project Officer
  • PR relations Manager
  • Development Team


  • Figma
  • TailwindCSS
  • Nuxt.js
  • Kontent.ai

Construction Management Software

A platform to manage and streamline the entire build process for a Sunshine Coast building company.

I reviewed the existing software being developed, conducted interviews with users to understand their needs and designed a new UI to meet core needs for each user.

Construction Management Software



Project Roles

  • UX Designer
  • UI Designer

I worked with

  • CEO
  • Sales Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • 3rd Party Dev Team

Interactive stats tool


Communicating the real-time impact of CV in a simple but engaging interactive experience.

It was fun working with an international team from CV to design an engaging and interactive tool to communicate the impact of their work.

Interactive stats tool


Christian Vision

Project Roles

  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer (WordPress)

I worked with

  • Communications Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Back-End Engineer Team


  • Figma
  • Sass/HTML
  • WordPress/ACF (Custom Theme)

Sustainability in Nutrition Resource

Helping students and the broader academic community grasp the complex and evolving definition of sustainability in nutrition.

Working with two dietician researchers, I designed and built a unique interactive resource to communicate the concept of sustainable nutrition through story.

Sustainability in Nutrition Resource


USC N&D Research

Project Roles

  • Project Manager
  • UX Designer
  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer (WordPress)

I worked with

  • Nutrition Researchers


  • Figma
  • Sass/HTML
  • WordPress/ACF (Custom Theme)

School Community Platform

A fun, engaging community-driven platform that generates thought, encourages community and creates industry connections.

I designed and built a custom WordPress website for the School of Business. Limited by the University ecosystem, this allowed them the ability to engage and build community amongst the business students.

School Community Platform


USC Business School

Project Roles

  • Project Manager
  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer (WordPress)

I worked with

  • Academic/Project Lead
  • Business School Team


  • Figma
  • Sass/HTML
  • WordPress/ACF (Custom Theme)

Email Signature Generator

Helping hundreds of employees quickly and efficiently maintain their corporate email signature.

I enjoyed thinking through the challenge of how to help staff manage and update their email signature, while keeping the marketing depatment happy.

Email Signature Generator



Project Roles

  • Creative Technologist
  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer

I worked with

  • Marketing Manager
  • Teaching Support Team


  • Figma
  • Sass/HTML
  • Javascript form

Interactive Sales Tool

An easy-to-use, customisable sales tool for sales reps Australia-wide to effectively engage prospective customers.

Designed and built a customisable and interactive sales tool that could plug into the unique brand of each new Aveo Sales development, and be personalised for each sales meeting with potential buyers.

Interactive Sales Tool


Leap Agency



Project Roles

  • UI Designer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer (WordPress)

I worked with

  • Digital Marketing consultant
  • Agency Account Manager
  • Client Account Manager

Coffee Co-operative

Supporting the growth of the speciality coffee industry through education and a purchasing cooperative.

I love coffee so why not build a prototype coffee education, roastery subscription website.

Coffee Co-operative

Want to work together?

Get in touch and let's chat about your next project.